Are valuations attractive enough to go back to IT largecaps? Sunil Singhania answers

Abakkus Asset Manager ‘s Sunil Singhania, highlights the growth potential in financial services and banks as it is natural for most investors to have an allocation to banks, plus profit growth looks strong in the next two years, interests rates are peaking and the practices of banks have improved significantly. Irrespective of what business you are in, every business will have to have a digital strategy at a time when there is going to be a huge opportunity for Indian IT service companies, believed to be globally competitive.

Irrespective of what business you are in, every business will have to have a digital strategy at a time when there is going to be a huge opportunity for Indian IT service companies, believed to be globally competitive. Having said that, there are a few things; one is that profit growth looks to be very strong in the next two years.
